Saturday 30 November 2019

November 30, 2019

Grade 7

Students will be bringing home the Chapter 6 vocabulary test. Please review it, sign it and return to school. This week we begin Chapter 7 which focuses on conflict and conflict resolution. We will examine 4 types of conflict and examples of these in history.

Grade 8

Students will be bringing home the Chapter 6 vocabulary test. Please review it, sign it and return to school. This week we begin Chapter 7 which focuses on growth and development.  We begin with a comparison of 2 cities: Lethbridge and Sudbury. We will examine how population growth leads to growth in industry.

Sunday 24 November 2019

November 24, 2019


 The students will have his/her project and chapter booklet returned to them this week from Chapter 5.  Students began chapter 6 by decoding words and expressions as part of new vocabulary for the chapter.  Students responded to questions in order to get certain pieces to a puzzle. Once the puzzle was completed we discovered the long-term and immediate causes of the war of 1812.  This week we will look at some important people of the war of 1812; as well as, some very important battles that took place right here in our city.  We will be having a test on chapter 6 vocabulary at the end of the week.

Grade 8

 The students will have his/her project and booklet on chapter 5 returned this week.  Students began chapter 6 with a decoding exercise where they determined the vocabulary words or expressions for the chapter.  Next, students answered questions in order to receive puzzle pieces. When the puzzle was completed they had information with regards to the development of the west and the run for gold. This week we will discuss the difficulties prospectors had and the dangers they encountered as they went in search for riches out west. We will be having a test on chapter 6 vocabulary at the end of the week.

Sunday 17 November 2019

November 17, 2019

Grade 7

The students will be starting Chapter 6 which focuses on the War of 1812. Students will be learning the events, people and places that were important during this time period. We will look at the short and long term effects of the war; as well as, what caused the war to happen in the first place.

Grade 8

Due to the snow day, the students will have 1 more class day to complete their project on the Transcontinental railway and chapter 5 booklets. We will begin Chapter 6 this week, which focuses on the rise of the west and the gold rush. We will look at the means people took to search for gold and how the west prospered in Canada.

Sunday 10 November 2019

November 10, 2019

Grade 7

Students will be bringing Chapter 4 tests home. Please review the test, sign it and return it to school. We are working on Chapter 5 which focuses on how the Loyalists helped to develop North America. The students will be doing 2 things during this time. First they will have this week to complete the project on the Loyalists (who are they? and what part did they play in Canadian history?); as well as, an individual workbook about Chapter 5. It consists of fill-in-the-blanks, short answers, and matching questions that can be answered using the text book. Both items will make up the student's Chapter 5 mark and are to be completed by Thursday, November 14.

Grade 8

Students will be bringing Chapter 4 tests home for review. Please sign the test and return it to school. We are working on Chapter 5 which focuses on the development of the west and the transcontinental railroad. Students will be completing a group project on the transcontinental railroad (how were the problems of insufficient money and insufficient labour solved to create the railroad and what impact did the transcontinental railroad have on Canada); as well as, an individual workbook about Chapter 5. It consists of fill-in-the-blanks, short answers, and matching questions that can be answered using the text book. Both items will make up the student's Chapter 5 mark and are to be completed by Thursday, November 14.

Friday 1 November 2019

November 1, 2019

Grade 7

The students are pausing on their projects on Les Loyalistes for the time being. Once we complete Chapters 4 and 5 the students will have a better understanding of how Les Loyalistes were important in Canadian history and will complete their projects. We are discussing the Royal Proclamation of 1763, Benedict Arnold (hero or traitor) and the Treaty of Versailles in 1783. There will be a test at the end of week focusing on new vocabulary, selecting 3 points from the Royal Proclamation and fill-in-the-blanks for either Benedict Arnold as a traitor or as a hero.

Grade 8

Our groups have done a great job in informing the rest of the class their findings on their particular subject. Group number 1 examined the differences between the Métis and the Country-born. Group number 2 examined the changes in Canada from 1871-1905, when Prince Edward Island, Alberta, and Saskatchewan entered into Confederation. Group 3 will present next week. There will be a test next week focusing on new vocabulary, and a choice question (select a province from Manitoba, British-Columbia or PEI, and explain how John A. Macdonald succeeded in persuading them to join Confederation OR describe 2 differences between the lives of the Métis and the Contry-born)

Sunday 27 October 2019

October 27, 2019

Grade 7

The students will be bringing home his/her test on Chapter 3 for signatures. We begin Chapter 4 which focuses on French colonies within the British empire. The students will be completing a project where they are to describe who are Les Loyalistes and how did they affect Canadian history in the late 1700's. They are to have visuals (pictures and symbols) depicting a Loyalist and who they are.

Grade 8

The students will be bringing home his/her test on Chapter 3 for signatures. We begin Chapter 4 which focuses on the early years of Confederation. Students will be separated into groups and will be answering questions concerning various topics. Then each group will present their findings to the rest of the class. 

Sunday 20 October 2019

October 20, 2019

Grade 7

We have been concentrating on various events that took place in the mid 1700's in both North America and in Europe. Throughout this time period the French and English fought against each other.  We read about many treaties and the effect on the colonies and countries attached to them. In the end, the biggest loss to France was having to give up la Nouvelle-France to Great Britain. This week students will have a short test where they are to fill-in-the-blanks to complete certain facts with the appropriate term.  It will incorporate dates, treaties, colonies, and groups of people during this time period.

Grade 8

We have been concentrating on the events and conferences that lead several colonies in British North America to form one country. We noticed that not all provinces and territories joined in Confederation at the same time and we discussed the changes to the map of Canada from 1867 to 1871. This week students will have an open book assignment with multiple choice questions centering on John A. Macdonald and his life. As well, students will have a short test where they are to fill-in-the-blanks to complete certain facts with the appropriate term. It will incorporate dates, conferences, provinces and territories involved in Confederation during this time period. 

Monday 14 October 2019

October 14, 2019

Happy Thanksgiving!

Grade 7

Students will be bringing home his/her test for review and signature.  In Chapter 3, we look at the fall of la Nouvelle-France.  We will see in this chapter how the British were in a position of force in North America and how France and Great Britain are enemies. We will examine the loss of Acadia to Great Britain with the signing of "le traité dÙtrecht" and the loss of la Nouvelle-France with the signing of "le traité de Paris"; as well as, the loss during the Seven Years War. 

Grade 8

Students will be bringing home his/her test for review and signature. In Chapter 3, we look at the birth of a new country. We will examine the steps taken towards Confederation in the 3 conferences and what occurred at each; the British North American Act; the responsibilities of government; and how the map of Canada has changed from 1867 to 1870/71. 

Sunday 6 October 2019

October 6, 2016

Grade 7

The students will be having a test on Chapter 2 this coming week. It will focus on new vocabulary through matching of word and definition and the triangular commerce, "le commerce triangulaire" where students fill-in-the-blanks of items that are imported/exported between the 3 regions of France, New France and the Antilles. Students select between Monseigneur Laval and characteristics of la Nouvelle-France and will indicate whether the statements given are True or False. Lastly, students will have multiple choice questions with regards to Chapter 2 and can complete this portion with his/her textbook and/or notes.

Grade 8

The students will be having a test on Chapter 2 this coming week. It will focus on new vocabulary through matching of word and definition. Students will have a series of statements concerning the mode of representation in the Legislative Assembly, at that time. He/she is to indicate whether the statement is part of the equal representation (favoured by le Canada-Est) or representation by population (favoured by le Canada-Ouest). Lastly, students will be given the choice of selecting 3 out of the 4 factors, covered in class, of why the colonies of British North America should join together to form 1 country: Canada. Students are to explain how joining together will resolve the problem or factors that the colonies face.

Saturday 28 September 2019

September 28, 2019

Join us and hundreds of others across Canada and wear an orange shirt on Monday, September 30 to honour the children who survived the Indian Residential Schools and remember those that didn’t. Every Child Matters. We will wear orange shirts in recognition of the harm the residential school system did to children’s sense of self-esteem and well-being, and as an affirmation of our commitment to ensure that everyone around us matters.

Grade 7

Students were sent home with his/her test for signatures this past week. We begin Chapter 2 and look at the governing bodies and the social hierarchy of la Nouvelle-France. We are discussing the people of la Nouvelle-France and where they are positioned in this hierarchy.  We will also be looking at Triangular Trade and the 3 regions for imports and exports.

Grade 8

Students were sent home with his/her test for signatures this past week. We begin Chapter 2 and are discussing the factors that were considered as to why the colonies in British North America should join together to create a country called, Canada. We will look at the different representations of government and how the population feels about each one. 

Sunday 15 September 2019

September 15, 2019 

Welcome back students.

Grade 7's

The students have been learning about people and events that have helped to develop la Nouvelle-France.  We are preparing for our test on Chapter 1 in Histoire, coming up this week. Students will be asked to match new vocabulary words with their meaning; describe characteristics of a Seigneurie and write a paragraph on 1 of the following: a) the importance of Samuel de Champlain and how he helped shape la Nouvelle-France, or b) priests and religious people and how they helped shape la Nouvelle-France.

Grade 8's

The students have been learning about factors that have influenced the reason to have a united Canada as one country. We learned about the underground railroads and Harriet Tubman and how they helped in the freeing of slaves; how the indigenous peoples were treated after peace was made with the United States and they were no longer as important in fur trading; and how the population of various colonies in Canada increased and decreased during this time. We are preparing for our test on Chapter 1 in Histoire, coming up this week. Students will be asked to match new vocabulary words with their meaning and write a paragraph on 1 of the following factors affecting Canada: a) immigration, b) industrialization in Canada-East (Quebec), c) residence of Prince Edward Island. 

Sunday 9 June 2019

June 9, 2019

 Grade 7

 Students are completing the chapter 9 booklet. They will be having a vocabulary test to finish off  the chapter.  We are discussing new technology and energy saving devices. We will be looking at windmill-based farms and how that helps out with conservation of resources.

Grade 8

 The Grade 8’s are completing their project on fundamental values of a particular culture. In groups, students were to research a culture of their choosing.  They were to indicate the customs and traditions of that culture; as well as, the language spoken and pictures of artefacts relating to that particular culture.

Monday 3 June 2019

June 3, 2019

Grade 7

Students are looking into the various ways of conserving energy and new technology in energy savings. We will finish the unit with a vocabulary quiz.

Grade 8

Students will be completing a presentation on Fundamental values of a culture including it's customs and traditions; language; and artifacts as modeled on p. 176 of the text. Each group will be presenting their findings.

Sunday 26 May 2019

May 26, 2019

Grade 7

Students are beginning the last chapter, Chapter 9, which focuses on resources for the future. We will be looking at the conservation of renewable resources in Canada including fish farming and forestry certification. This unit will be completed in booklet form where the students are filling in the blanks and answering questions according to the information in the text.

Grade 8

Students are looking to answer the question, "What is culture?". They discussed the fundamental values of a culture and will be discussing the culture of Indigenous Peoples in Canada. They will also look at our cultural imprint and how it affects the environment. 

Monday 20 May 2019

May 20, 2019

I hope everyone is enjoying the long weekend.

Grade 7

Students are focusing on combustible and non combustible minerals in Canada and how the price of both oil and gas has risen between 1970 and 2006. Students will look at the two types of mining and the effect of mining on the environment.  We will have a quiz on the vocabulary at the end of the unit.

Grade 8

Students are finishing up unit 8 and will have a quiz on the vocabulary this week. We will also be starting our final chapter, Chapter 9 which will focus on Canada's diverse cultures.

Sunday 12 May 2019

Happy Mother's Day!

May 12, 2019

Grade 7

Students just completed a workbook on Chapter 7 and will be starting a new workbook on Chapter 8, focusing on combustible and mineral resources. We began with a look of new vocabulary and will discuss non renewable resources.

Grade 8

Students are completing a workbook on Chapter 7 and looking at how technology has changed the mobility of the Canadian population throughout history; from traveling on foot, the canoe, the train, and the airplane. We will began Chapter 8 this week which focuses on the decision to migrate or not by looking at factors that may influence this decision.

Saturday 4 May 2019

May the force be with you! May 4, 2019. 

Grade 7

The students just wrapped up Chapter 6 with a vocabulary quiz.  We are starting Chapter 7 which focuses on natural resources. We will be completing a workbook for this unit and it will be evaluated as we go along. Students will begin with new vocabulary and distinguishing between permanent, renewable and non-renewable resources. We will also look at the water cycle.

Grade 8

The students just wrapped up Chapter 6 with a vocabulary quiz. We are starting Chapter 7 which focuses on the mobility of the Canadian population. We will be completing a workbook for this unit and it will be evaluated as we go along. Students will begin with new vocabulary and the factors that influence our choice in where to live and will graph the rural exodus (the percentage of Canada's population that have migrated from rural areas to urban areas) of Canada from 1871-2006. 

Sunday 21 April 2019

April 21, 2019

Happy Easter to everyone!

Grade 7

Grade 7 students will begin a new chapter. Chapter 6 will focus on constants in agriculture around the world. We will look at the role of climate, soil, and natural vegetation.  We will also look at 3 types of agriculture.  Students will be completing an assignment on understanding seasons.

Grade 8 

Students have already begun Chapter 6. It focuses on the economic relations of Canada and looks at the commercial balances of various countries. Students started group work where they are comparing 3 of the 6 most important countries in world wide commerce: The United States, Germany, China, Japan, the United Kingdom, and Canada. They will also be looking at the commercial alliances Canada has with other countries before the Grade 8's head off to Muskoka at the end of the week. 

Sunday 14 April 2019

April 14, 2019

"Winter is here!!" - for all the Game of Thrones fans.

Grade 7

Students will be tested on Chapter 5. The test will focus on new vocabulary; the differences between a tornado "tornade" and a hurricane "ouragan"; and students will be creating and analyzing a climate graph, using information from the text.

Image result for image of a tornado        Image result for image of a hurricane    Image result for image of a climate graph

               une tornade                                         un ouragan

Grade 8

Students will be tested on Chapter 5. The test will focus on new vocabulary; the 3 sections of Canada's mixed economy; how new technology has improved the quality of those activities that make up the primary sector of an economy; and the diagram on the economy of specific cities in Canada where tourism is their primary economy. 

Image result for new mining technology   Image result for new forestry technology   Image result for new fishing technology 2019

New technology for mining, forestry, and fishing.

Sunday 7 April 2019

April 7, 2019

Grade 7

We will be finishing up our unit on world climates and global warning. We will discuss how tornado's are created and where tropical storms take place: typhoons, cyclones, and hurricanes.  We will be looking at creating and analyzing a graph on climates and completing an assignment about this (on text p. 103).

Grade 8

We discussed Canada's mixed economy and will be discussing the 4 sections of the economy and what each entails; as well as, the 3 eras of the economy in Canada. 

Sunday 31 March 2019

March 31, 2019

Grade 7

Students will be completing a test on Chapter 4 focusing on new vocabulary; the difference between a tsunami and a storm; understanding people and terms discussed in the chapter; and drawing and labeling the earth's parts.

Image result for images of alfred wegener                 Image result for image of pangea     

           Alfred Wegener                                                 "Pangée"

We will begin Chapter 5, the world's climates and global warming. We will look at the Greenhouse Effect, tornado's, tropical storms, and avalanches.

Grade 8

Students will be completing a test on Chapter 4 focusing on new vocabulary; the 4 economic resources; the 3 types of economic systems; and the different opinions of Adam Smith and Karl Marx.

Image result for image of adam smith                        Image result for image of karl marx

  Adam Smith and his ideas on                            Karl Marx and his ideas on
            Market Economy                                              Communism

We will begin Chapter 5 on Canada's mixed economy. We will look at 4 sections of the economy; 3 economic eras in Canada; and the 5 factors that influence the climate. 

Sunday 24 March 2019

March 24, 2019

Grade 7

Students continue to look at natural disasters and their causes, throughout the world.  We will focus on volcanos, river flows, hydrographic networks and water pollution. There will be a test early next week.

Grade 8

Students will be comparing 3 types of economic systems including the types of goods and services offered and how these goods and services are distributed. We will look at the points of view of both Adam Smith and Karl Marx. 

Sunday 17 March 2019

March 17, 2019

Happy St. Patrick's Day! I hope everyone had a restful and enjoyable March Break.

Grade 7

This week students will be starting Chapter 4 which talks about reliefs and waterways. Students will compare a tsunami to a thunder storm and discuss other natural disasters that occur in the world.

Grade 8

This week students will be starting Chapter 4 which talks about the diverse economies in the world. We begin with the 5 economic questions: Who produces goods and services?; What are the goods and services being offered?; How are goods produced and how are services offered?; Where are the goods and services sent?; and How are goods and services distributed?  Then we look at the 4 economic resources: land; workforce; capital; and entrepreneurship. 

Saturday 2 March 2019

March 2, 2019

Grade 7

The students completed a floor plan of their classroom keeping in mind the needed items that was to be in there and a legend to inform the reader of what symbols represent in their plan.  The students will have an open book test on Chapter 3 this week. It will focus on new vocabulary; how Windsor is divided into regions (postal codes, pizza delivery areas, school bus pick up); and the make up of Canada's frontiers (lakes, oceans, countries, mountains). 

Grade 8

The students will be creating and analyzing 2 age pyramids. The students will have a test (both open and closed book) on Chapter 3 this week. It will focus on new vocabulary; drawing a point graph concerning the revenue of a country and it's rate of birth (whether it is one that has no relationship, a direct relationship or an inverted relationship); and stating 2 advantages of specific technology developed for countries with a specific problem or need.


Saturday 23 February 2019

February 23, 2019

Grade 7

This week we begin Chapter 3 and focus on regions in the world. We look at the "Moyen-Orient", the Middle East and its uniqueness. We will discuss the physical regions of Canada (forests, frontiers, and natural vegetation). Students will have an assignment where they will be designing a floor plan of the classroom. (P. 52-53 in the text)

Grade 8

This week we begin Chapter 3 and focus on comparing the constants of development in Canada and other countries. We will look at the quality of life here and discuss the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Students will be charting and interpreting a correlation graph with regards to the rate of births and the annual revenue of various countries including Canada and the USA. (P. 50-51 in the text)

Monday 18 February 2019

February 18, 2019  Happy Family Day everyone.

Grade 7

Students will receive a chapter review and will be having a test this week. The test will focus on new vocabulary;  "les reliefs" and an animal that lives in each one; the factors that affect, "la crise de la morue"; and the two sides (les environnementalistes, les entreprises) of the "la coupe à blanc".

Image result for image of cod               Image result for images of la coupe a blanc
      la morue - cod fish                                       la coupe à blanc

Grade 8

The students will be competing an assignment where they will create an pyramid of ages graph with the population of Canada in 2006 and compare that information with the population in 1999. They will also have a review day and a chapter test this week. The test will focus on new vocabulary; "la densité de la population", "le taux d'accreusement naturel"; and a pyramid of ages graph. 

Population of Canada (2019 and historical)
YearPopulationDensity (P/Km²)
Image result for age pyramid canada 2018
age pyramid of Cananda, 2018

Sunday 10 February 2019

February 10, 2019

Grade 7

Students will be bringing home a unit 1 Geography test, this week. Please look it over, sign it and return it to school.  This week we will begin Chapter 2 and look at the environment and its interactions. We will discuss 5 characteristics of natural environments and the animals that are able to live in those special environments. We will look at the 1992 stoppage of cod fishing in Newfoundland and what happened to this industry; as well as, how animals, plants, and natural phenomenons interact with each other in the environment.

Grade 8

Students will be bringing home a unit 1 Geography test this week. Please look it over, sign it and return it to school. This week we will begin Chapter 2 and look at various demographic constants in the world. We will discuss the distribution and density of populations of various countries in the world and how this information is useful. We will also look at the factors that influence a population (history, migration, technology, politics and environment); as well as, the historical revolutions that caused a large fluctuation in population, in the world.

Sunday 3 February 2019

February 3, 2019

Grade 7

Students worked on an open book assignment to determine absolute and relative locations of various cities in Ontario.  They were asked to use a scale, measure and determine the distance between 2 cities. They used a legend to describe major cities and the relative location of national parks on a map. 

Students will be tested this week on vocabulary; 2 methods to determine absolute location (la localisation absolute); and public transportation (la transportation en commun), as well as, 1 advantage and inconvenience of it. The second part of the unit test will be an open-book question.

Grade 8 

Students worked on an open book assignment to determine absolute and relative locations of various cities in Ontario.  They used a scale to determine the distance between 2 cities and were asked to use a legend to describe physical (natural) and human (human-made) characteristics seen on the map. 

Students will be tested this week on vocabulary and identifying 3 differences between rural and urban communities.  The second part of the unit test will be an open-book question concerning community planning and the 4 sites that are taken into consideration during the process.

Hoping everyone enjoys the Superbowl (if you are a football fan, like me). 

Saturday 26 January 2019

Grade 7

We are beginning our first module in Geography.  Chapter one looks at places, location, and movement.  Students will be looking at distinguishing features of places in the world. They will learn how to locate places both; a) relative to something else and b) absolutely (using latitude, longitude, and alphanumeric grids). We will also look at how items are transported throughout the world. 

Students will be completing an assignment on p. 13 of their text books involving the interpretation of a map to answer questions.

Grade 8

We are beginning our first module in Geography.  Chapter one looks at human constants in communities.  Students will be looking at different communities (urban, rural, suburbs) and where communities situate themselves. They will also look at urban planning and what information is considered. 

Students will be completing an assignment on p. 13 of their text books involving the interpretation of a map (from grade 7) and measurement of distance between places.

Saturday 19 January 2019

Grade 7

We are finishing up our last chapter in History. Chapter 9 discusses building for the future. We will look at Lord Durham's Report, Nova Scotia and a responsible government.  Next week we will begin our studies in Geography. 
Image result for lord durham             
          Lord Durham                         

Grade 8

We are finishing up the last chapter in History.  We will be discussing the Boer War, the Royal Canadian Navy and the causes of World War I. We will be beginning our studies in Geography in the next couple weeks.

  Image result for boer war    Image result for royal canadian navy 1800s  Image result for causes of ww1
    Canada and the Boer War                   Royal Canadian Navy

Please note that students will be assessed in History for Term 1 of the Report Card and they will be assessed in Geography for Term 2.