Sunday 3 February 2019

February 3, 2019

Grade 7

Students worked on an open book assignment to determine absolute and relative locations of various cities in Ontario.  They were asked to use a scale, measure and determine the distance between 2 cities. They used a legend to describe major cities and the relative location of national parks on a map. 

Students will be tested this week on vocabulary; 2 methods to determine absolute location (la localisation absolute); and public transportation (la transportation en commun), as well as, 1 advantage and inconvenience of it. The second part of the unit test will be an open-book question.

Grade 8 

Students worked on an open book assignment to determine absolute and relative locations of various cities in Ontario.  They used a scale to determine the distance between 2 cities and were asked to use a legend to describe physical (natural) and human (human-made) characteristics seen on the map. 

Students will be tested this week on vocabulary and identifying 3 differences between rural and urban communities.  The second part of the unit test will be an open-book question concerning community planning and the 4 sites that are taken into consideration during the process.

Hoping everyone enjoys the Superbowl (if you are a football fan, like me). 

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