Monday 14 October 2019

October 14, 2019

Happy Thanksgiving!

Grade 7

Students will be bringing home his/her test for review and signature.  In Chapter 3, we look at the fall of la Nouvelle-France.  We will see in this chapter how the British were in a position of force in North America and how France and Great Britain are enemies. We will examine the loss of Acadia to Great Britain with the signing of "le traité dÙtrecht" and the loss of la Nouvelle-France with the signing of "le traité de Paris"; as well as, the loss during the Seven Years War. 

Grade 8

Students will be bringing home his/her test for review and signature. In Chapter 3, we look at the birth of a new country. We will examine the steps taken towards Confederation in the 3 conferences and what occurred at each; the British North American Act; the responsibilities of government; and how the map of Canada has changed from 1867 to 1870/71. 

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