Saturday 27 October 2018

October 27, 2018

Grade 7

Students completed a test on Chapter 3 and it was sent home.  Parents please review the test with your child, sign it and return it to school.  Students are to keep all tests (regardless if they were signed or not) in their portfolio at school.  Students will be completing some worksheets on Chapter 4 concerning the events leading up to the Declaration of Independence in the US; how the British wanted to recover expenses for "La guerre de Sept Ans"; "l'Acte de Quebec" of 1774; "Le Traité de Versailles" of 1783; the importance of the Ohio Valley; and they will discuss whether Benedict Arnold was a hero or a traitor. 

Image result for images of benedict arnold        Image result for royal proclamation of 1763 canada     Image result for images of thomas jefferson    Image result for declaration of independence

Next week they will be completing a test, keeping in mind new vocabulary and items listed in the, "Proclamation Royale". 

Grade 8

The students were to bring their Chapter 3 test home for review and signing. Chapter 4 focuses on the first years of Confederation.  Students completed a quiz on the views of both "les Métis et les colons (country-born)".  As well, they completed an open book assignment where they were to indicate what year various provinces entered Confederation. 

Image result for les droits des metis   Image result for louis riel
                                       Louis Riel

They will be completing a test on Chapter 4 next week, keeping in mind new vocabulary and items on, "La liste des droits des Métis" drawn up by Louis Riel.

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