Saturday 27 October 2018

October 27, 2018

Grade 7

Students completed a test on Chapter 3 and it was sent home.  Parents please review the test with your child, sign it and return it to school.  Students are to keep all tests (regardless if they were signed or not) in their portfolio at school.  Students will be completing some worksheets on Chapter 4 concerning the events leading up to the Declaration of Independence in the US; how the British wanted to recover expenses for "La guerre de Sept Ans"; "l'Acte de Quebec" of 1774; "Le Traité de Versailles" of 1783; the importance of the Ohio Valley; and they will discuss whether Benedict Arnold was a hero or a traitor. 

Image result for images of benedict arnold        Image result for royal proclamation of 1763 canada     Image result for images of thomas jefferson    Image result for declaration of independence

Next week they will be completing a test, keeping in mind new vocabulary and items listed in the, "Proclamation Royale". 

Grade 8

The students were to bring their Chapter 3 test home for review and signing. Chapter 4 focuses on the first years of Confederation.  Students completed a quiz on the views of both "les Métis et les colons (country-born)".  As well, they completed an open book assignment where they were to indicate what year various provinces entered Confederation. 

Image result for les droits des metis   Image result for louis riel
                                       Louis Riel

They will be completing a test on Chapter 4 next week, keeping in mind new vocabulary and items on, "La liste des droits des Métis" drawn up by Louis Riel.

Saturday 13 October 2018

October 13, 2018

Grade 7

This week, students completed a "fill-in-the-blanks" quiz, which summarized the events in Chapter 3 from the founding of The Hudson's Bay Company in 1670 to the Treaty of Paris in 1763. It reflected the downfall of "La Nouvelle-France" and what was going on in both North America and Europe.

Image result for a map of la new-france in 1750   Image result for acadians in 1713   Image result for les autochtones  in 1750
                                                            Les Acadiens, 1713              Les autochtones et les Français

Students will be tested on Chapter 3 on Thursday. Keep in mind the new vocabulary; the reasons why "La Nouvelle-France" was in a delicate military position; the key strategies used by the British to take over Quebec in 1759; how the "Acadiens" were treated after the British took Acadia over from the French in 1713; and the impact on "les autochtones" living in "La Nouvelle-France".

Grade 8

This week, students completed a quiz where they were given certain subjects, for example, taxation, education, defense, and they had to determine which government, "a) gouvernement fédéral or b) gouvernement provincial" controls the power and responsibilities of that subject in 1867.

Image result for john a macdonald     Image result for map of canada 1867   Image result for map of canada 1871 
 John A. Macdonald

Students will be tested on Chapter 3 on Monday. Keep in mind the new vocabulary; the 3 significant changes in how Canada looked on a map in 1867 and in 1870-71; the characteristics of the government in, "L'Act de l'Amérique de Nord britannique'', in 1867; and the life of John A. Macdonald (open book section).

Sunday 7 October 2018

October 7, 2018

Happy Thanksgiving to all!

September 29, 2018

Grade 7

Chapter 2 test will be on Monday, October 1.  Chapter 3 will focus on the down fall of, "La Nouvelle-France" at the hands of the British. Please take a look at your child's test, sign it, and return it to school. 

Grade 8

Students completed their test on Chapter 2. Please take a look at your child's test, sign it, and return it to school. Chapter 3 will focus on the birth of a new country.
September 22, 2018

Grade 7

Students completed their test on Chapter 1 and will be bringing it home for you, parents, to look over and sign. Please return tests back to school. 

Image result for image of compte de frontenac             Image result for image mgr laval            Image result for image of le commerce triangulaire du canada

In Chapter 2, we learned about the social aspect of "la Nouvelle-France".  Students will be tested on this chapter next week. Students should keep in mind the new vocabulary, as well as: the responsibilities of the "gouverneur général"; Mgr Laval and his role as the first Bishop of "La Nouvelle-France"; the changes in the population of "La Nouvelle-France"; the hierarchy of the people who live in "La Nouvelle-France" and their placement in society; and the economic way commerce is conducted, "le commerce triangulaire".  

Grade 8

Students completed their test on Chapter 1 and will be bringing it home for you, parents, to look over and sign. Please return tests back to school.

Image result for George Brown              Image result for George Etienne Cartier                Image result for john a macdonald

George Brown                         George-Étienne Cartier                    John A. Macdonald

In Chapter 2, we learned about the factors that influenced "la Confédération". Students will be tested on this chapter next week. Students should keep in mind the new vocabulary, as well as, the facteurs discussed in the chapter that influenced the idea of a Confederation and the different representations in politics; "la représentation selon la population et la représentation égale".