Saturday 30 November 2019

November 30, 2019

Grade 7

Students will be bringing home the Chapter 6 vocabulary test. Please review it, sign it and return to school. This week we begin Chapter 7 which focuses on conflict and conflict resolution. We will examine 4 types of conflict and examples of these in history.

Grade 8

Students will be bringing home the Chapter 6 vocabulary test. Please review it, sign it and return to school. This week we begin Chapter 7 which focuses on growth and development.  We begin with a comparison of 2 cities: Lethbridge and Sudbury. We will examine how population growth leads to growth in industry.

Sunday 24 November 2019

November 24, 2019


 The students will have his/her project and chapter booklet returned to them this week from Chapter 5.  Students began chapter 6 by decoding words and expressions as part of new vocabulary for the chapter.  Students responded to questions in order to get certain pieces to a puzzle. Once the puzzle was completed we discovered the long-term and immediate causes of the war of 1812.  This week we will look at some important people of the war of 1812; as well as, some very important battles that took place right here in our city.  We will be having a test on chapter 6 vocabulary at the end of the week.

Grade 8

 The students will have his/her project and booklet on chapter 5 returned this week.  Students began chapter 6 with a decoding exercise where they determined the vocabulary words or expressions for the chapter.  Next, students answered questions in order to receive puzzle pieces. When the puzzle was completed they had information with regards to the development of the west and the run for gold. This week we will discuss the difficulties prospectors had and the dangers they encountered as they went in search for riches out west. We will be having a test on chapter 6 vocabulary at the end of the week.

Sunday 17 November 2019

November 17, 2019

Grade 7

The students will be starting Chapter 6 which focuses on the War of 1812. Students will be learning the events, people and places that were important during this time period. We will look at the short and long term effects of the war; as well as, what caused the war to happen in the first place.

Grade 8

Due to the snow day, the students will have 1 more class day to complete their project on the Transcontinental railway and chapter 5 booklets. We will begin Chapter 6 this week, which focuses on the rise of the west and the gold rush. We will look at the means people took to search for gold and how the west prospered in Canada.

Sunday 10 November 2019

November 10, 2019

Grade 7

Students will be bringing Chapter 4 tests home. Please review the test, sign it and return it to school. We are working on Chapter 5 which focuses on how the Loyalists helped to develop North America. The students will be doing 2 things during this time. First they will have this week to complete the project on the Loyalists (who are they? and what part did they play in Canadian history?); as well as, an individual workbook about Chapter 5. It consists of fill-in-the-blanks, short answers, and matching questions that can be answered using the text book. Both items will make up the student's Chapter 5 mark and are to be completed by Thursday, November 14.

Grade 8

Students will be bringing Chapter 4 tests home for review. Please sign the test and return it to school. We are working on Chapter 5 which focuses on the development of the west and the transcontinental railroad. Students will be completing a group project on the transcontinental railroad (how were the problems of insufficient money and insufficient labour solved to create the railroad and what impact did the transcontinental railroad have on Canada); as well as, an individual workbook about Chapter 5. It consists of fill-in-the-blanks, short answers, and matching questions that can be answered using the text book. Both items will make up the student's Chapter 5 mark and are to be completed by Thursday, November 14.

Friday 1 November 2019

November 1, 2019

Grade 7

The students are pausing on their projects on Les Loyalistes for the time being. Once we complete Chapters 4 and 5 the students will have a better understanding of how Les Loyalistes were important in Canadian history and will complete their projects. We are discussing the Royal Proclamation of 1763, Benedict Arnold (hero or traitor) and the Treaty of Versailles in 1783. There will be a test at the end of week focusing on new vocabulary, selecting 3 points from the Royal Proclamation and fill-in-the-blanks for either Benedict Arnold as a traitor or as a hero.

Grade 8

Our groups have done a great job in informing the rest of the class their findings on their particular subject. Group number 1 examined the differences between the Métis and the Country-born. Group number 2 examined the changes in Canada from 1871-1905, when Prince Edward Island, Alberta, and Saskatchewan entered into Confederation. Group 3 will present next week. There will be a test next week focusing on new vocabulary, and a choice question (select a province from Manitoba, British-Columbia or PEI, and explain how John A. Macdonald succeeded in persuading them to join Confederation OR describe 2 differences between the lives of the Métis and the Contry-born)