Sunday 26 May 2019

May 26, 2019

Grade 7

Students are beginning the last chapter, Chapter 9, which focuses on resources for the future. We will be looking at the conservation of renewable resources in Canada including fish farming and forestry certification. This unit will be completed in booklet form where the students are filling in the blanks and answering questions according to the information in the text.

Grade 8

Students are looking to answer the question, "What is culture?". They discussed the fundamental values of a culture and will be discussing the culture of Indigenous Peoples in Canada. They will also look at our cultural imprint and how it affects the environment. 

Monday 20 May 2019

May 20, 2019

I hope everyone is enjoying the long weekend.

Grade 7

Students are focusing on combustible and non combustible minerals in Canada and how the price of both oil and gas has risen between 1970 and 2006. Students will look at the two types of mining and the effect of mining on the environment.  We will have a quiz on the vocabulary at the end of the unit.

Grade 8

Students are finishing up unit 8 and will have a quiz on the vocabulary this week. We will also be starting our final chapter, Chapter 9 which will focus on Canada's diverse cultures.

Sunday 12 May 2019

Happy Mother's Day!

May 12, 2019

Grade 7

Students just completed a workbook on Chapter 7 and will be starting a new workbook on Chapter 8, focusing on combustible and mineral resources. We began with a look of new vocabulary and will discuss non renewable resources.

Grade 8

Students are completing a workbook on Chapter 7 and looking at how technology has changed the mobility of the Canadian population throughout history; from traveling on foot, the canoe, the train, and the airplane. We will began Chapter 8 this week which focuses on the decision to migrate or not by looking at factors that may influence this decision.

Saturday 4 May 2019

May the force be with you! May 4, 2019. 

Grade 7

The students just wrapped up Chapter 6 with a vocabulary quiz.  We are starting Chapter 7 which focuses on natural resources. We will be completing a workbook for this unit and it will be evaluated as we go along. Students will begin with new vocabulary and distinguishing between permanent, renewable and non-renewable resources. We will also look at the water cycle.

Grade 8

The students just wrapped up Chapter 6 with a vocabulary quiz. We are starting Chapter 7 which focuses on the mobility of the Canadian population. We will be completing a workbook for this unit and it will be evaluated as we go along. Students will begin with new vocabulary and the factors that influence our choice in where to live and will graph the rural exodus (the percentage of Canada's population that have migrated from rural areas to urban areas) of Canada from 1871-2006.